TMJ Treatment in Lutherville, MD  

Do you suffer from jaw pain, headaches, migraines, earaches, or painful biting and chewing? If so, we can help! Smile Design Center takes a personalized approach to TMJ treatment near Lutherville. Our dental team provides customized patient care plans designed to fight the uncomfortable symptoms of TMJ disorder, including bruxism, headaches, jaw pain, and more!

What Is TMJ?

man holding his head due to a migraine from TMJ issuesTMD disorder (also known as temporomandibular disorders, or TMJ) is a group of conditions affecting the muscles and joints within the jaw. TMJ, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is a disorder of the jaw joint and its surrounding muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Symptoms include difficulty chewing, tooth sensitivity, headache pain, and dizziness.

Patients who have TMJ also experience the following common symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Pain and tenderness around the jaw, ears, cheeks, and neck
  • Migraines
  • Stiffness in the jaw
  • Earaches
  • Painful chewing
  • Pain while yawning
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Uncontrolled change of facial expression
  • Changes in how the upper and lower teeth fit together

Diagnosis and Treatment for TMJ

When evaluating for the presence of a TMJ disorder, your dentist will perform a thorough clinical assessment of joint symptoms and function, which may include specialized imaging and other diagnostic tests. At Smile Design Center, your TMJ treatment may include a custom-fitted oral appliances such as a bruxism night guard to keep teeth grinding at bay. Our team can also stabilization splints to alleviate strain on the joint, orthodontic or prosthodontic treatment to improve occlusion, or oral surgery in the case of more advanced TMJ symptoms.

Select methods of self-care can be helpful in alleviating some of the symptoms of a TMJ disorder. TMJ patients are typically advised to eat soft foods, minimize extreme jaw movement such as wide yawning and gum chewing, to practice stress reduction and relaxation techniques, and apply ice packs or moist heat as directed. If recommended, a patient should follow their dentist or therapist’s instruction for gentle stretching exercises. The short-term use of over-the-counter, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medications may provide relief. If not, Dr. Lehrfield may prescribe stronger pain or anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants or anti-depressants.

After a complete examination, Dr. Yehuda Lehrfield will recommend a TMJ treatment plan that best meets your specific needs and budget.

Easing TMJ Pain from Home

mouthguard used to ease TMJ painSelf-care can help ease some any TMJ symptoms that may occur between appointments. Patients are typically advised to eat soft foods, avoid extreme jaw movements such as wide yawning and gum chewing, practice stress reduction and relaxation techniques, apply ice packs or moist heat as directed, and do gentle stretching exercises. If advised by your dentist or therapist, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or pain medications may provide additional relief.

Schedule Your TMJ Treatment Consultation With Dr. Yehuda Lehrfield Today!

Your customized TMJ treatment plan begins with a consultation with our dentist. Call today to get the TMJ relief you need!

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